
The most important information about TriCity Trail event. Please read it carefully.
80 k+
1. Start is on 10th of July at 5:00AM in Gdańsk (end of Harfowa Street). Notice - for participants who registered for transport from Wejherowo – bus departures at 3:45 AM from the school, which is our main event spot (Sobieskiego street 344).
2. Runners who ordered starter pick up at the start line should do it until 4:30 AM.
3. Bag deposit at the start line is available for every runner – your items will be delivered to main bag deposit, which is located at the finish line (Park Miejski in Wejherowo around 2km from the school).
4. If you are sleeping in the school, please remember to bring your own mattress/camping mat and sleeping bag. Gym hall will be divided by event distances (ultra, marathon and half marathon). There is an access to showers and teapot.
5. Each participant gets a race map. Marking: every 10 km, aid station, time cut offs.
6. Littering is strictly forbidden. It’s crucial for us to leave forest in the same condition as it was before the event.
7. Timeline for opening and closing aid stations (control points)
Point 1 – 19,2 km – opening 6:15 AM, closing 8:30 AM
Point 2 – 37,2 km - opening 7:35 AM, closing 11:45 AM
Point 3 – 55,6 km - opening 8:00 AM, closing 3:00 PM
Point 4 – 74,3 km - opening 9:20 AM, closing 6:20 PM
There is a penalty for missing aid station.
8.Track will be marked with red tape “Fundacja Krok do Natury” every 50-100 m. Additionally in places where course is changing direction, you will find directional arrows on trees with TriCity Trail logo. In few places you will also find our volunteers.
9. Track (*gpx) with course for watches is available HERE.
10. What you can find on aid stations:
Aid station 1 – 19,2 km – water, isotonic drink, bananas, dates, rice/corn waffles with peanut butter, cheese;
Aid station 2 – 37,2 km – water, isotonic drink, cola, fruits: watermelons, oranges, bananas, dates, jelly, pretzels with salt, kabanos sausages, cheese;
Aid station 3 – 55,6 km – water, isotonic drink, cola, fruits: watermelons, oranges, bananas, dates, jelly, pretzels with salt, kabanos sausages, cheese, sandwiches with butter and cheese.
Aid station 4 – 74,3 km – water, isotonic drink, cola, fruits: watermelons, oranges, bananas, dates, jelly, pretzels with salt, kabanos sausages, cheese.
Buffet at finish line: water, isotonic drink, fruits: watermelons, oranges, bananas and hot meal hand out on voucher which you will get in race office along with your starter pack (vegetarian & meat option will be served by food trucks).
11. On aid stations as well as on finishing line THERE WILL BE NO PLASTIC CUPS. It’s mean that you must have your own cup/soft flask for water/isotonic.
12. From checkpoint on 55,6 km you can have a pacemaker. Pacemaker can run with participant but is not allowed to help with backpack and on aid stations.
13. Mandatory equipment for the race:
- bottles/flasks for min. 1 l of liquids,
- reusable cup (if you don’t have anything for drinking on aid station),
- working mobile phone with international roaming,
- medical blanket,
- race map (you will get it in the race office),
- timing chip (you will get it in race office) which must be placed on shoe,
- race number must be visible and filled with ICE number on the back.
Absence of any mandatory equipment will lead to penalty according to rules:
One item – 15 minutes penalty; 4 items missing - DQ.
14. You can use poles.
15. On Thursday at 8 PM on our facebook we will do ONLINE technical briefing, during which we will share updated news.
16. On race number you can find contact to medical team, race director and person responsible for each aid station. Remember to add your ICE number.
17. Chip (timing) should be returned on the finish line.
18. If you would like to sleep in school from Saturday to Sunday - please let us know at the race office.
1. Start is on 10th of July at 7:00 AM in Gdynia (end of Apollina Street). Notice - for participants who registered for transport - bus departure at 6 AM from school (Sobieskiego street 344)
2. Runners who ordered starter pick up at the start line should do it until 6:30 am.
3. Bag deposit at the start line is available for every runner – your items will be delivered to main bag deposit, which is located at the finish line (Park Miejski in Wejherowo around 2km from the school).
4. If you are sleeping in the school, please remember to bring your own mattress/camping mat and sleeping bag. Gym hall will be divided by event distances (ultra, marathon and half marathon). There is an access to showers and teapot.
5. Each participant gets a race map. Marking: every 10 km, aid station, time cut offs.
6. Littering is strictly forbidden. It’s crucial for us to leave forest in the same condition as it was before the event.
7. Timeline for opening and closing aid stations (control points)
Point 1 – 18,2 km - opening 8:00 AM, time limit for marathon: 10:15 AM
Point 2 – 36,5 km - opening 9:20 AM, time limit for marathon: 1:30 PM
There is a penalty for missing aid station.
8. Track will be marked with red tape “Fundacja Krok do Natury” every 50-100 m. Additionally in places where course is changing direction you will find directional arrows on trees with TriCity Trail logo. In few places you will also find our volunteers.
9. Track (*gpx) with course for watches is available HERE.
10. What you can find on aid stations:
Aid station 1 – 18,2 km – water, isotonic drink, cola, fruits: watermelons, oranges, bananas, dates, jelly, pretzels with salt, kabanos sausages, cheese, sandwiches with butter and cheese.
Aid station 2 – 36,5 km – water, isotonic drink, cola, fruits: watermelons, oranges, bananas, dates, jelly, pretzels with salt, kabanos sausages, cheese.
Buffet at finish line: water, isotonic drink, fruits: watermelons, oranges, bananas and hot meal hand out on voucher which you will get in race office along with your starter pack (vegetarian & meat option will be served by food trucks).
11. On aid stations as well as on finishing line THERE WILL BE NO PLASTIC CUPS. It’s mean that you must have your own cup/soft flask for water/isotonic.
12. From checkpoint on 55,6 km it’s allowed to have pacemaker. Pacemaker can run with participant but is not allowed to help with backpack and on aid stations.
13. Mandatory equipment for the race:
- bottles/flasks for min. 1 l of liquids,
- reusable cup (if you don’t have anything for drinking on aid station)
- working mobile phone with international roaming.
- medical blanket,
- race map (you will get it in the race office)
- timing chip (you will get it in race office) which must be placed on shoe,
- race number must be visible and filled with ICE number on the back.
Absence of any mandatory equipment will lead to penalty according to rules:
One item – 15 minutes penalty; 4 items missing - DQ.
14. You can use poles.
15. On Thursday at 8 PM on our facebook we will do ONLINE technical briefing, during which we will share updated news.
16. On race number you can find contact to medical team, race director and person responsible for each aid station. Remember to add your ICE number.
17. Chip (timing) should be returned on the finish line.
18. If you would like to sleep in school from Saturday to Sunday - please let us know at the race office.
Half marathon
1. Start is on 10th of July at 9:00 AM in Wejherowo (near to Śmiechowski cementary). It is around 3 km between race office and start line, so perfect distance for warm-up but you can also use a shuttle bus, which is for free for runners. Bus station: Wybickiego street near to race office. Bus departures from 8:00 AM.
2. Bag deposit is located at the finish line (Park Miejski in Wejherowo around 2km from the school).
3. If you are sleeping in the school, please remember to bring your own mattress/camping mat and sleeping bag. Gym hall will be divided by event distances (ultra, marathon and half marathon). There is an access to showers and teapot.
4. Track will be marked with red tape “Fundacja Krok do Natury” every 50-100 m. Additionally in places where course is changing direction you will find directional arrows on trees with TriCity Trail logo. In few places you will also find our volunteers.
5. Littering is strictly forbidden. It’s crucial for us to leave forest in the same condition as it was before the event.
6. Track (*gpx) with course for watches is available HERE.
7. Timeline for opening and closing aid station (control point):
Aid station - 12 km with water, isotonic drink, bananas. Cups will be available.
Time limit: 11:30 AM
Buffet at finish line: water, isotonic drink, fruits: watermelons, oranges, bananas.
8.You can use poles.
9. On Thursday at 8 PM on our facebook we will do ONLINE technical briefing, during which we will share updated news. Mostly for marathon and ultra runners.
10. On race number you can find contact to medical team, race director and person responsible for each aid station. Remember to add your ICE number.
11. Chip (timing) should be returned on the finish line.
12. If you would like to sleep in school from Saturday to Sunday - please let us know at the race office.
Have fun, remember about fair play and see you in beautiful TriCity landscape!
fot. Piotr Oleszak